Friday, March 22, 2013

Sleeveless to Slevies

I wore this lovely dress for my interview for Miss Murray a few years ago. I felt comfortable in it then; however, right after the pageant we decided to add sleeves to the dress.

I'm grateful for my  mom's knowledge in how to do all of this.
We added black sleeves and finished them with a cuff patterned after the details that were already on the dress.

This was a HARD project!  But even if you're not a pro sewer, this can give you some great ideas to haw to add sleeves to a sleeveless dress!



Polka Dot Mesh Madness

So, along with all this lace that is SO in right now, come these lovely tops where the bodice is regular cloth and the top is lacey. 
I found this shirt and fell in LOVE with it, but wanted to still be modest. 
Many people just wear a tan under shirt with these, I support that. But me and my mom figured out something better: sewing in tan netting so you are always modest! 

This way there are no lines=so slimming!

This also means you can wear anything under your shirt you need to. No need to run away from this fun fashion, it takes some time to  "modestify" this, but its worth it!